HO 0012 Sweiss-Chocolate with cocoa butter filled with hazelnut praline mixed with crispy and hazelnut
HO 0020 Sweiss-Chocolate with cocoa butter filled with hazelnut praline and coated with roasted hazelnuts
HO 0025 Sweiss-Biscuit with hazelnut praline filling and a hazelnut coated with chocolate with cocoa butter
HO 0023 Sweiss-Chocolate with cocoa butter filled with hazelnut praline mixed with crushed hazelnuts, almonds, and crispy rice coated with almonds
HO 0036 Sweiss-Chocolate with cocoa butter filled with mixed nuts and hazelnut praline blended with cake
HO 0034 Sweiss-Chocolate with cocoa butter filled with a layer of Nutella cream and a layer of hazelnut praline cream.
HO 0052 Sweiss-Cocoa butter chocolate stuffed with nutella with hazelnut and almond crackers and crispy
HO 0051 Sweiss-Cocoa butter chocolate stuffed with praline bursting with hazelnut, almond and crispy crunch
HO 0056 Sweiss-Cocoa butter chocolate with hazelnut praline filling mixed with hazelnuts and cornflakes
HO 0066 Share-Chocolate with cocoa butter substitute, stuffed with hazelnut praline, mixed with hazelnuts and cornflakes
HO 0065 Share-Chocolate with cocoa butter substitute, stuffed with hazelnut praline, mixed with hazelnuts and cornflakes
HO 0054 Share-Chocolate with cocoa butter substitute, stuffed with hazelnut praline, mixed with hazelnuts and cornflakes
HO 0023 Sweiss-شوكولاه زبدة الكاكاو بحشوة برالين البندق الممزوج بكسر البندق و لوز و الكرسبي المغطسة باللوز